Back in 2017, I discovered a small family farm in Fuding, China, while tea-hunting with my husband, an avid tea drinker and collector (yes, tea collecting is a thing!). Fuding is renowned for its pristine environment and white tea plantations.

We sat down at the farmer’s rustic yet tidy kitchen table. As we tasted the tea, we were immediately struck by its smoothness and sweetness. This was our third day in Fuding, and after sampling tea from six or seven different farms, this tea stood out with its superior aroma and flavor. It had an unforgettable floral nose and a delicate honey finish.
The farmer explained that the tea we tasted was "semi-wildcrafted." The tea seedlings were planted and then left to grow on their own, without watering, fertilizer, pesticides, or further intervention. This type of tea is known as "荒山牡丹," loosely translated as Wild Mountain Peony. Harvested this way, the tea offers the best of both worlds: the flavor and nutrients of wild tea with a better environmental impact and enhanced biodiversity.

When we began creating our products, white tea extract was one of the ingredients we wanted to include. We chose the white tea from this farm to make our custom extracts due to its wonderful benefits.

Benefits of White Tea
- Rich in antioxidants: Combats oxidative stress and reduces inflammation.
- Promotes heart health: Lowers cholesterol levels and improves blood vessel function.
- Supports digestive health: Enjoy after a meal to help with digestion.
- Reduces stress and anxiety: Has a calming effect on the mind.
- Potential cancer-preventive properties: High in antioxidants, particularly catechins like EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which help neutralize free radicals that can cause DNA damage, potentially leading to cancer.
This year, we decided to share this tea with you so you can experience this special white peony from farm to table to skin.