Bakuchiol Seed
Bu Gu Zhi (θ‘₯ιͺ¨θ) -Β Psoralea corylifolia This extract helps to brighten, tone, and plump the skin by mildly exfoliating the skin, reducing fine lines and revealing a refreshed,...
Bu Gu Zhi (θ‘₯ιͺ¨θ) -Β Psoralea corylifolia This extract helps to brighten, tone, and plump the skin by mildly exfoliating the skin, reducing fine lines and revealing a refreshed,...
Xiang Fu (ι¦ι) -Β Cyperus rotundus Nut Grass is an ancient medicinal root that helps improve circulation and help to lighten dark spots. It energizes and harmonizes qi, especial...
Ze Lan (ζ³½ε °) -Β Lycopus lucidus Gypsywort extract has been known to help lower excessive thyroid hormone levels as well as stimulate skin healing from wounds, breakouts, and le...
Lian Qiao (θΏηΏ) -Β Forsythia suspensa* ForsythiaΒ also known as Golden Bell, has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties to treat infection, fight acne-causing bacteria, and ca...
Ji Xue Teng (ιΈ‘θ‘θ€) -Β Spatholobus suberectus This vine native to Eastern Asia activates the flow of qi, and can be used to treat various skin diseases.
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