Who: Alyssa Melody
Specialty: Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, TCM
Location: Arcata, CA
Website: www.rootandbones.com
Instagram: @rootandbones
TCM in Modern Wellness
1. When and how has your acquaintance with TCM begun?
My introduction to TCM began with the book ‘The Web That Has No Weaver’ by Ted Kaptchuk. It was immediately fascinating to me how TCM looks at the body as a microcosm, and how everything from food to weather and emotions affects us. I was living in Berkeley at the time, and went to check out AIMC where I ended up completing my Masters.
2. What do you think is the role of TCM in modern wellness?
I think TCM is essential in today’s world. Modern society continues to add more and more stress to our plates. The biggest change I have noticed is the cycle of mental stress coinciding with physical ailments, and a disconnect to the natural world and way of living. TCM helps us maintain that connection to nature, to ourselves, and to our spirit. Thankfully, modern medicine is recognizing the effectiveness of acupuncture and many insurance companies are now covering TCM. I think people are realizing they need more balance in their lives, and TCM is an ideal option for anyone wanting to do that.
3. What is one common health issue / pain that you observe in your clinic?
Menstrual cramps.
4. What is one acupressure point that could alleviate this pain and can be done at home?
Spleen 8: Xi Cleft Point - acute and painful menstrual issues due to Blood stagnation - clotting, fibroids, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation.
5. What is your favorite TCM ingredient?
Reishi. Their benefits include: calming, benefits immune system, anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, nourishes the Heart and Shen. Enjoy ½- 1.5 tsp a day. Personally, I like to take one dose in the morning with my tea or coffee, and then again in the evening to help me calm down and get ready for sleep.
Find it at Root + Bones or YINA Wellness Apothecary.
6. What is your favorite YINA product?
Please don’t make me pick just one! But if I had to, it would have to be the sheet mask. It’s so luxurious and hydrating. I feel like the effects are long-lasting compared to other sheet masks.