Bian Piedra Gua Sha

$ 85.00

Gua Sha por YINA Bienestar


Con el tamaño perfecto para masajes faciales y corporales, la piedra BIAN Stone Gua Sha de YINA, la mejor de su clase, está inspirada en la antigua práctica de la medicina china para activar la circulación y revitalizar la energía.

Nuestro Gua Sha está elaborado con Bian Shi (砭石), una piedra microcristalina que contiene más de 30 minerales y oligoelementos beneficiosos para el cuerpo humano. ⁠ Los estudios de mineralogía muestran que la piedra Bian crea ondas de infrarrojo lejano, pulsos de ultrasonido e iones negativos que ayudan a estimular y regenerar células y ADN humanos sanos.⁠ ⁠

Cuando se practica con regularidad, Bian Stone Gua Sha ayuda a tonificar, suavizar la fascia, deshinchar y mejorar la circulación en la piel mientras libera la tensión y promueve la relajación.

Estimular. Liberar. Vigorizar.

Gua sha bian stone.

Cosmic Stone

We chose Bian stone for our Gua Sha tool because of its powerful healing properties. This cosmic stone was formed 65 million years when a meteorite landed in Shandong, China. Stone-age excavation found tools made with Bian stone for surgery and healing. ⁠

Each piece is individually hand-cut and polished by artisans and every stone is unique with its own nuances and markings. We partner with a woman-owned establishment in Shandong that is certified to produce medical-grade Bian stone Tools.

Multiple Bian Stone Gua Sha

Authentic Bian Stone

High quality Bian stones are limited and ours are sourced directly from Shandong, China, the only place in the world that produces Bian stone.

Bian stones come in a range of colors from brown to grayish black. The highest grade of Bian stones are Xuan Huang 玄黄 - rich brown with copper undertones.

No two stones are completely alike. You may receive a piece that's more uniformed in a deep gray brown or, one with beautiful naturally-formed yellow spots. Each piece is special and intentionally selected for their powerul healing properties.