For the Love of Dogs

Unlike many of his counterparts in the village whose activities usually revolve around grandkids, mahjong, folk-dancing, and local gossip, 71-year-old Zongyuan Wang (Uncle Wang) only concerns himself with homeless dogs and cats.
A former factory worker who lives on the outskirts of Beijing, Uncle Wang takes in over 100 abandoned animals and shares his modest countryside home with them.
Thin-framed, stoic, and strong-willed, Uncle Wang tirelessly wakes up at the break of dawn each day to administer medication, feed and clean the animals, even during the most unforgiving frigid winters in Beijing.
Uncle Wang devotes all his time and resources to his canine and feline family. He spends almost his entire small pension on pet food, veterinary visits, and pet medication every month, leaving little for his own basic necessities.
There are times when his health needed medical attention but Uncle Wang puts off seeing a doctor, simply shrugging off his ailments as minor discomforts. When an animal is sick, he hops on his bicycle without hesitation to take them to the veterinarian.
One winter, he ran out of commercial pet food and was severely low on funds. Uncle Wang bought over 800 pounds of cabbage to make a stew with cornmeal, duck livers, pork, and lard to tide over.
With so many animals to take care of, this is a daunting endeavor for a 71 year-old who receives no assistance from his estranged family. However, Uncle Wang finds peace and comfort in his life with these animals; they are his family.
When some volunteers offered him money, Uncle Wang refused. Instead, he asked for pet food and supplies. We thought we'd chip in to help Uncle Wang and the animals. After all, this is the season of LOVE and the Year of EARTH DOG.
From February 8th to 18th, we will donate 5 pounds of pet food with every online purchase to Uncle Wang and his animals in Beijing.
Orders above $88 will also receive a 5YINA treasure and a lucky red envelope!
PS: We found this story through Xin Xiang Quan (A New Collar) - an organization based in Jiangsu, China, that helps raise funds and awareness for homeless animals.